Media Access Application

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Would you like to receive newsworthy content written by journos (ex & current) and experienced writers that delivers the latest news from industry leaders across a variety of sectors? Then OzMedia Insider is for you.

Delivered fresh each month, OzMedia Insider builds a pipeline between you and innovative thought leaders at the coal face of their respective industries.  In each edition, 30 industry experts share newsworthy content written by experienced professionals, delivered in a format and manner that the media expects. We put you in direct contact with the story tellers. No running interference, no gatekeeping. In fact, we encourage you to directly contact the main personnel behind the stories by supplying their contact details with every edition.

Presented in a format that allows you to view each edition remotely and download only the content you’re interested in, OzMedia Insider was created to help make your job a little easier without in anyway compromising how you do it.

To start accessing any of our industry publications, all you have to do, is take a minute to complete the ‘Media Access’ form for the industry sectors you’re interested in. There are no restrictions, you can signup for as many as you like and, it’s free to use – no strings attached


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